Job Background:
Stay-at-home Mom / Corporate Director of Purchasing
Income Level:
$8,000 USDF per month
Prior to getting started with the
Internet Marketing System, Dale spent ten years climbing the corporate
ladder. At the end of his corporate journey, Dale had become Corporate
Director of Purchasing for a major clothing manufacturer and found himself
working 60-70 hours a week. This schedule began taking a toll on him,
personally. It also took him away from his family, much too frequently.
What was interesting is that by so many people's standards he was
considered very successful. However, he rarely could find the time he so
desired for what meant the most to him, his family.
"I wanted to
see my children while they were still children" said Dale.
Dale was
looking for the kind of success that would allow him the freedom to be
with his family as well as the freedom to make the decisions he thought
were best. Despite the high income he was receiving from his corporate
job, Dale said, "we were poor from the perspective that we continued to
live beyond our means and we lived from paycheck to paycheck. We were
several hundred thousand dollars in debt! The more I made the further in
debt I became."
This Internet Marketing opportunity has allowed
Dale and Beverly to begin to experience what true financial freedom is
like. The two of them now have a luxury they both longed for, to spend
more time with their family. "I see my children every single day," says
Dale, "and I get to watch them grow and change! It's
When Beverly and Dale came into this business they
immediately implemented the Internet Marketing/e-commerce tools because
they understood what this opportunity could bring. Their first month in
the business, Beverly and Dale made over $1,100. Now, they average over
$8,000 every month! It's truly unbelievable what this system can do for a