Job Background:
Professional Cosmetologist / Auto Dealership Owner
Income Level:
$30,000 USDF per month
Michael and Michelle owned a small
chain of auto dealerships prior to getting involved in the Internet
Marketing System. Michael was working over 80 hours a week. He was tired
and stressed out just from trying to keep the business open. Michelle
desperately wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but because of the enormous
pressure of their car dealerships, she was compelled to work in order to
help out with the family business. After seven and a half years of
struggling to stay afloat, they were forced into corporate bankruptcy and
had to close the doors, leaving them financially devastated and in
overwhelming debt.
Michael and Michelle knew that people were
getting wealthy from the Internet, but they also knew they had no way to
access the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it would take to start up
an Internet company. The dream of becoming dot-com rich seemed out of
reach until they were introduced to this turn-key system. They immediately
recognized the possibilities of our Internet Marketing System and moved on
it quickly. They had their Internet e-commerce business set up within five
days, and in their first 30 days of working their online business Michael
and Michelle profited over $1,200 dollars. By their fifth month in the
business, they had increased their income to over $5,500 a month, just by
following this step-by-step system.
Twenty months into the
business, Michael and Michelle are now able to have the lifestyle they
always wanted. Their daughter, Sydney, attends the best private school in
the area and they are able to go on the family vacations they have long
wished for. Not even two years into building their home-based Dot-Com,
their income has reached $30,000 a month. This monthly income has allowed
them to begin planning their dream home - a 6500 square foot Italian-style
villa in the country. Michael predicts that within the next 12 months, by
combining this incredible system with continual growth in the U.S. and
Canada, unlimited residual income potential and rapidly expanding foreign
markets, their income will exceed $60,000 a month, while continuing to