Job Background: Widowed-Retired
Computer Programmer
Income Level: $4,000 USDF per
Peggy lost her husband and then lost her job of 30 years, she found
herself depressed and really uncertain how to live her life. She had been
a computer programmer in Corporate America and wasn't thrilled about the
thought of going back to working 50-70 hours a week, in the corporate
world in order to succeed. She decided to try and find something that
could tide her over long enough until she was old enough to start
collecting Social Security and her 401K. She figured that if she could
make $3,000 a month, she could live comfortably.
Peggy had never
owned her own business, but after she found out about the Internet
Marketing Program from a newspaper ad, she was thrilled to discover that
she really didn't need to know anything about this sort of business, but
rather, just be willing to work hard and be teachable. She agreed to this
and decided to see where it would take her.
Peggy's very first
month in the business, she made $2,000. "Wow, I was amazed," says Peggy,
"I decided to see what would happen if I continued to remain open to the
coaching and do everything I was told to do for the second month. Much to
my utter surprise, my income doubled to over $4,000 the second month, and
when I continued to remain open to all the training and coaching
available, my 3rd month ended with me having profited over $12,000 total,
over a 3 month period."
Peggy is thrilled with her new business and
vows to no longer limit herself to what she can earn with this system. She
now looks forward to traveling around the world and experiencing all the
things she has dreamed of doing.