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Success Stories
Cherri Ferguson

 Job Background: Full-time Mom
 Income Level: $6,000 USDF per month

Cherri started in the business on a very part-time basis. When she started, her goal was to be able to work from home, around her four children so she wouldn't have to miss anything they were involved in, from school functions to sporting events! All Cherri was looking to make was just an additional $100.00 a month for the "extra's" she needed and wanted for her household.

Cherri learned about the business through a local newspaper advertisement, and when she got started she immediately saw the opportunity to make more than $100 a month. Her first month, working her business part-time, from her kitchen table and around her children, she profited $500.

Now, Cherri has a complete home-based office, so she still has close access to her children and she still works her business on a part-time basis, around her extremely busy family schedule. Currently, she is bringing home an extra $6,000 a month... she can afford a lot of nice little "extra's" now!!!

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