Job Background:
Stay-at-home Mom-Housewife / Corporate Manager
Income Level: $11,000
USDF per month
Before Alger found out about this system, he was a well-paid
corporate manager but was chained to a job he just hated. He made enough
money on his corporate salary to provide a nice home and lifestyle for his
family allowing Kim to stay at home as a busy housewife and mother.
Dissatisfied with the long hours and stress of his job, combined with
being too tired to enjoy his home and family, he searched for a better
way. "I was going down hard, my life was in a tailspin," Alger
Kim started the business part time while Alger continued in
Corporate America. After 9 months of plugging themselves into the Internet
Marketing System their income has grown to almost $11,000 per month, it
was soon "necessary" for Alger to leave his job and come home full
"This business is amazing. We never believed we could have
our own business AND have this much fun," Alger says. After watching him
disappear under a cloud of depression for years, Kim now feels that "I
finally have my husband back!"
Alger and Kim are ecstatic. "We've
been able to spend a lot more time together as a couple and a family, and
travel to places we could only fantasize about! This system has provided
us the opportunity to control our lives, instead of having life control
us." They have plans already laid to go to Europe, and are planning a
family vacation in the near future to a tropical paradise.