Job Background:
Professional Manager / Management Engineer
Income Level: $13,000
USDF per month
Sandy and Lou have worked in the corporate environment for over 20
years and have been 6 figure income earners for years as well. Lou worked
in engineering management and when they relocated to another state for his
new job, Sandy started looking for a business where she could work from
home. When Sandy learned about the Turn-key Internet Marketing System she
got started right away.
Lou had a high stress career, worked long
hours, and traveled quite a bit. He became intrigued when he saw Sandy
making money from the Internet system in her very first month. He quickly
started to see the Internet marketing system as a possibility for himself,
as well.
After only 12 months working with the system, Lou joined
Sandy in the business full time, affording him the personal freedom he
always wanted. By their 14th month in the business, their income exceeded
$13,000/month. "With the incredible growth that is occurring," says Sandy,
"we can't even imagine where our business and our income will be in the
next 12 months - at least doubled, probably tripled."
One of the
greatest benefits of this business for Sandy and Lou is the ability they
have to spend time together doing things they enjoy. They walk with their
dogs in the fields for an hour or so each afternoon. This wasn't possible
before. Most importantly for Sandy and Lou is their business gives them a
promise for a future which will allow them to make significant and
substantial contributions of time and funds to the charities they support
- so they can really make a difference in the world.